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Showing posts from September, 2020

Picking the brain of Olivia C

Olivia C is my movie buddy, my Virgo buddy, and my 'let me sit in your car and screech for 20 minutes before school buddy'. I love her dearly. Here's a Q&A I did with her today! BM:You're being forced to immigrate to a country tonight @ 9 pm where are you going?   OC:  Switzerland maybe? Because they have like, rights for women. There's nice equality there. Or I would go to France, for obvious reasons. I know people in France.  BM: Yeah our Pen Pals.  OC: Nope they're from... BM+OC: Italy! OC: We still write letters...I'm kinda in love with him.   BM: If you were to name your baby boy after one of the colors of the rainbow which one would you choose?  OC: Blue.Yep.  BM: Not like aqua...or teal?  OC: That's not on the rainbow, I'm talkin' ROYGBV! BM: I mean you could dive into hues.  OC: Red is kinda cute.  BM: ...No it's not.  OC: You asked ME!  BM:  Yeah yeah yeah.  BM: Do you believe that fate determin...

August '20 Collection

I realize that August has been over for like a week now and that we're all currently feeling the heavy weight of early September sitting on our shoulders, but I wanted to officially begin this new addition to my blog now so here we are! I'm doing Monthly collections that'll include my top songs, moments, and blah blahs. I'm a sucker for being able to look back on the little things so I'm going to do it in an organized way. I hope that all 8 of you guys enjoy it! 7 Things that I Did 1. Turned 16. 2. Renovated my room.  3. Caught up with old pals.  4. Started chewing gum religiously again.  5. Finished How to Get Away with Murder, finally. 6. Went on a Boat 7. Fell in <3 with Nora Ephron's writing.  Top 5 songs  Not Friendly---Flo Milli  It opens with "Flo...milli...Flo Flo Milli...shit...bitch!" and from then on it's just a boat-load of fun. Miss Milli raps like the annoying little cousin that I don't even have---and I adore her for it. The s...