Olivia C is my movie buddy, my Virgo buddy, and my 'let me sit in your car and screech for 20 minutes before school buddy'. I love her dearly. Here's a Q&A I did with her today! BM:You're being forced to immigrate to a country tonight @ 9 pm where are you going? OC: Switzerland maybe? Because they have like, rights for women. There's nice equality there. Or I would go to France, for obvious reasons. I know people in France. BM: Yeah our Pen Pals. OC: Nope they're from... BM+OC: Italy! OC: We still write letters...I'm kinda in love with him. BM: If you were to name your baby boy after one of the colors of the rainbow which one would you choose? OC: Blue.Yep. BM: Not like aqua...or teal? OC: That's not on the rainbow, I'm talkin' ROYGBV! BM: I mean you could dive into hues. OC: Red is kinda cute. BM: ...No it's not. OC: You asked ME! BM: Yeah yeah yeah. BM: Do you believe that fate determin...